ftp-uploader 3.3

ftp-uploader 3.3

Developed by Firma Gregor Schommer Systemberatung
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ftp - uploader manages homepage upload with single mouse click. It contains a ftp client, a server side online editor and a online picture viewer. ftp - uploader warps your homepage into the internet - with a single mouse click! Just enter ONCE servername and login data for your ftp - server , specify your local hompage folder - thats all!ftp - uploader keeps a database with all files (HTML, pictures, PHP, scripts) that belongs to your homepage and keeps it up to date fully automatically. Whenever you edit or add files, ftp - uploader detects modifications and sends them to the ftp server. This ftp program is not only a homepage uploader, it is also a ftp client, an online editor and an online picture viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT 4,0, 2000 and XP.Download and test the freeware version! For private use it is fully usable!



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